Registration and Merchandise are currently CLOSED

Registration for RTTW 2025 and the merchandise shop will re-open at 19.00 hrs on Friday 11th April 2025.

Donations can still be made online...

For 2025 we now have 12 start points. We have added Route 12 (M6 Corley North). More details can be found here.

See more about Start Locations

HomeScroll of Remembrance

Scroll of Remembrance

The following are being remembered through Ride To The Wall This Year

Scotty Wilson, John Pashley

Sean Miller RCT, Bernie Jelfs RCT, Bill Turner REME, Harry Wragg RCT, Conway Grant, Kim Smith Parachute Regiment. ,

Sean Reilly

Sean Upton

Sean Upton RA, Jimmy Linton RA, Kerry Venn RA

Sean Upton, lee hill

Senior Aircraftman Ryan Tomlin RAF Regiment

Sgt Isaac Wilmore Middlesex Reg WW1 . Pte Paul Owen !st Bat The Staffordshire Reg .

Sgt Albert Edward McCaffrey DCM, 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards - WW1

Sgt Baz Barwood

Sgt Carrianne Franks, SAC Scott Stevenson, Donald Frisby

Sgt Dave Wilkinson, LSgt Tobie Fasfous, LCpl Dane Elson

SGT David ''Bob'' Monkhouse (RDG)

Sgt David (Bob) Monkhouse RDG

Sgt David Smith, L/Cpl Brodie Gillon

Sgt Desmond Lionel John Hover

Sgt John Fraser CAMERONS

Sgt Len Cater, RASC 247 motorboat coy 1939-1945

Sgt M.J Height

SGT Mick Dowling REME , LCPLFrank Evans REME, Major Andy Burch REME

Sgt Patrick FITZGERALD Notts & Derbys Regt

Sgt Ray Hannah - RE

Sgt Simon Valentine

Sgt Simon Valentine, Sgt Gareth Thursby

Sgt Wayne Davis

Sgt. J. Whittle, Pte. A. Mosley

Shaun Despres

Shaun Lanston

Shelley Crowe

Simon Cockton, Chris Griffin.

Simon Appleby-Somerville, Maureen Appleby-Somerville

Simon Cullingworth, Luke Allsopp

Simon Jeans

Simon Prince, Brian Sandland

Simon Trott

Simon Ware

Sir Peter Squire

Spr Connor Liam Morrison

SQMS Baz Bardsley II Para, Sgt James E Oakland RMP, CM Lee Gaunt, FF Steve Hunt GMFRS

Sqn Ldr Bob Horne RIP