Registration and Merchandise are currently CLOSED
Registration for RTTW 2025 and the merchandise shop will re-open at 19.00 hrs on Friday 11th April 2025.
Donations can still be made online...
For 2025 we now have 12 start points. We have added Route 12 (M6 Corley North). More details can be found here.
RTTW Code of Conduct
As Ride to the Wall grows year on year, more and more people join us and in order that everyone can enjoy the day, show their respects and, at the same time, experience the unique atmosphere of the Arboreturm, the Committee and the NMA would appreciate it if you would read and adhere to the following:
- The marshals are all volunteers and have given their time freely to ensure that all the riders enter, park and exit the site safely and RTTW request that you follow their direction and instruction provided. They are a very important part of the event.
- Where possible try to ride in a staggered formation, take your lead from the rider in front. If you must overtake do it with respect and do not overtake on the inside.
- The riding speed will not go over 60 mph on motorways and 30/40 mph on A roads.
- Routes are set to arrive at the NMA at or near to a designated time but if they are late it does not matter. If you are delayed keep going straight ahead and eventually you will come across a RTTW marshal who will not leave until they see the back markers in the orange hi-vis jackets.
- Stop at all red traffic lights, unless directed by the Police. RTTW marshals are NOT allowed to stop traffic at traffic lights. (Only Police)
- Once you have entered the NMA please try to remain on site until the service has concluded at 14.45 hrs.
- When parking please be respectful of the monuments and memorials, some of which are trees and shrubs.
- During the service and at the end of the Last Post please be respectful and observe the minutes silence (applauding during the Last Post is not appropriate).
- When on site please observe the 5 mph speed limit.
- Please refrain from revving engines whilst onsite.
- Please refrain from starting engines during the service. This is scheduled to start at 14.00 hrs and will conclude at 14.45 hrs.
- Please use the litter bins provided. It is a lengthy task for the volunteers to collect rubbish and tidy up the site after the event ready for the following day.
- If you need to smoke please be respectful of the site and others. Designated smoking zones have been created for the RTTW event. Please refer to the site maps for the exact locations.
Please enjoy your day and thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation.
Ride to the Wall (RTTW) accepts no legal liability for accident, injury, loss or damage incurred whilst attending the RTTW, irrespective of any guidance or instruction from Officers, Marshals or Representatives of RTTW. You must ensure both the safety of yourselves, the general public and event attendees.
By participating in the RTTW you agree to these conditions.