Registration and Merchandise are currently CLOSED
Registration for RTTW 2025 and the merchandise shop will re-open at 19.00 hrs on Friday 11th April 2025.
Donations can still be made online...
For 2025 we now have 12 start points. We have added Route 12 (M6 Corley North). More details can be found here.
Drayton Manor Park Logistics
Drayton Manor Park will be one of twelve Start Points for RTTW 2025.
The ride will be led by the Founder of RTTW, Martin Dickinson and our Patrons, followed by the Flag Bearers and pre-registered motorcycles.
To ease congestion, maintain safety and reduce waiting times for attendees both at Drayton Manor Park and The National Memorial Arboretum, we have again limited numbers to 850 pre-registered motorcycles
Your flag must be fitting for the occasion, i.e. National Flag or Military Flag. Motorcycle club flags must be in keeping with the occasion. Only flag bearers will ride with the lead group. If you wish to ride with friends that do not have flags then please park up with the rest of the ride.
Drayton Manor Park will be open to pre-registered motorcycles only from 09.00hrs and outside catering will be provided.
Please ensure that the PURPLE BAND (issued with your Drayton Manor registration) is worn on the RIDERS wrist BEFORE you reach Drayton Manor Park so that it is clearly visible to the Marshals. BLUE WRISTBANDS worn by registered pillion riders will not need to be displayed at this point.
The wristband checkpoint is located immediately after the entry barriers: Please keep to the left-most barrier unless directed elsewhere by a Marshal. Motorcycles arriving at Drayton Manor Park without a PURPLE WRISTBAND will be denied entry and will be redirected to the National Memorial Arboretum. We would ask that you arrive at Drayton Manor Park no later than 11.30hrs, the ride to the National Memorial Arboretum will depart from Drayton Manor Park at 12.15 prompt.
Please do not attempt to “High Five” any spectators as you pass them, as it risks causing an accident. If your bike is fitted with blue lights, please leave them switched off during the ride to the NMA.
It is always the intention to park all riders from Drayton Manor Park inside the NMA but, due to changing circumstances throughout the morning, there is no guarantee that this will happen. Please follow the directions of the RTTW Marshals when you reach the NMA. Please also take a moment to read the ride information to ensure a safe & trouble free ride for all. Keep an eye on this website and Facebook for further updates and we look forward to seeing you on October 4th 2025 for the 18th Ride To The Wall.
Ride To The Wall (RTTW) accepts no legal liability for accident, injury, loss or damage incurred whilst attending the RTTW, irrespective of any guidance or instruction from Officers, Marshals or Representatives of RTTW. You must ensure both the safety of yourselves, the general public and event attendees.
By participating in the RTTW you agree to these conditions