Registration and Merchandise are currently CLOSED
Registration for RTTW 2025 and the merchandise shop will re-open at 19.00 hrs on Friday 11th April 2025.
Donations can still be made online...
For 2025 we now have 12 start points. We have added Route 12 (M6 Corley North). More details can be found here.
Scroll of Remembrance
The following are being remembered through Ride To The Wall This Year
Royal Marine Blue Novak KIA 6-6-1982 Falklands War
RSM Charles Edward Gibson.
RSM Victor Bunce
Rupert Thornloe
Russ Aston
Russ Nottingham
Ryan Tomlin SAC RAF reg
S/Sgt Butler; Sgt Garth; Dvr Tevendale; Dvr Holsworthy; Dvr Pouton; Dvr Frazer; Dvr Geall; Dvr West
S/sgt k.s beale
SAC Colin Took (RAF)
Sac Gareth (Gaz) Allen. RAF Regiment.
SAC Gordon Baird
SAC John Baxter, SAC John Reid
SAC Ryan Tomlin RAF Regiment
Sam falgate ,David falgate
Sam Price
Sam Salt
Samuel Bloor, Michael Bloor, Patricia Bloor, Leah Dunkley
Samuel George Howard - Bomber Command
Samuela Vanua, Lee Thornton, Stephen wright, Tom Tanswell
Sandra Kathleen Mary Round
Sapper Carl "Carlos" Johnson, Sapper Bradley Parks, Private Daniel Wade
Sapper David watson
Sapper Ernest Oakland
Sapper Stephen Humphreys Royal Engineers.
Sapper Will Blanchard KIA Oct 2010
Sapper William H Marshall. 1880938. Royal Engineers. Died in Italy from wounds 23/09/1944
Sarah Mulvihil
Scott Hardy
Scott McLean
Scotty Wilson, John Pashley
Sean Miller RCT, Bernie Jelfs RCT, Bill Turner REME, Harry Wragg RCT, Conway Grant, Kim Smith Parachute Regiment. ,
Sean Reilly
Sean Upton
Sean Upton RA, Jimmy Linton RA, Kerry Venn RA
Sean Upton, lee hill
Senior Aircraftman Ryan Tomlin RAF Regiment
Sgt Isaac Wilmore Middlesex Reg WW1 . Pte Paul Owen !st Bat The Staffordshire Reg .
Sgt Albert Edward McCaffrey DCM, 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards - WW1