Registration and Merchandise are currently CLOSED
Registration for RTTW 2025 and the merchandise shop will re-open at 19.00 hrs on Friday 11th April 2025.
Donations can still be made online...
For 2025 we now have 12 start points. We have added Route 12 (M6 Corley North). More details can be found here.
Scroll of Remembrance
The following are being remembered through Ride To The Wall This Year
Mick”Dodgy”Dowling.Jamie Dowling
Micky Robbins
Mike Betts Richard Griffiths
Mike Turner, Anthony Le Dain, Phil Ward
Mirosław Ferić
Mjr Mike Ross MBE (RAOC, RCT, RA).
Mk Telford
Mne Taff David, Lt Ken Francis
Mr G A Peck
Mr j mills. miss katie jane mills
Mr James George Ridges.. R.I.P..always Loved, never forgotten
Mr Lee Hart (REME)
Mr Richard Murgatroyd, Mrs Sharon Murgatroyd
My beloved Rob “Mr Grumpy” Caulton
Nathan Hunt, Steve Barr, Alexander Ross
Neil Goodwin, Scott Richard Salthouse,
Neil hardy
Neil Littlewood
Nicholas Bates
Nicholas Hudson
Nick Hunt
Nick Hunt
Nick Webster smith, Andy Houltram, Seth Stevens
Nigel Barnes
Nigel Hazlewood
Nigel Tankard
Norman Farr
Norman Harvey, Matthew Westbrook, Chris "Pezz" Perryman
Norman Mortimer,Kathleen Mortimer
Norman Mortimer,Kathleen Mortimer,June Robins,Jenny Merrin
Oliver Gordon Jones
Operation Banner.Those I left behind.
P Nicholls
Paddy Bryars
Pamela Noble
Pat Lambie
Paul "Tinny" McCann, Anthony Huntrod
Paul b Muirhead-- Anaire drava