Registration and Merchandise are currently CLOSED
Registration for RTTW 2025 and the merchandise shop will re-open at 19.00 hrs on Friday 11th April 2025.
Scroll of Remembrance
The following are being remembered through Ride To The Wall This Year
Dean Rogers
Dean Sprouting
Denis Bould
Denis Tierney
Dennis Petty
Dennis victor wagstaff
Derek (Dirk) Marsland, Carl Baskeyfield.
Derek Eley, John Wood, Tony Jackson
Derek Ernest Smith
Derek Fox
Derek Owen ,Royal Enginers,
Derek Walker, Constance Walker, Joanne Walker
Dermot Donaghue
Derrick Lum RASC, George Lum
Derrick Lum RASC, George Lum
Desmond Heywood
Dixon Christopher, Michael Dixon
Dominic Salzano
Donald Bryan Sammons
Donald Campbell,Katie Barnard
Donald Highton, Ann Highton, Ezikiah Highton, Eric Highton, Allan Waters
Donald Rex, Thomas McCann
Donald Rex, Thomas McCann
Dougie McNiel RCT, Nick Pears FFL, John Dolman Para Regt, Jason Swindlehurst RE
Douglas Robinson, Audrey Robinson and David McGrath
Douglas Taylor, Richard Gallagher, John Langton, Thomas Patterson,
Duane ''''Baz'''' Barwood, Sarah Jane Mulvihill, John Coxen
Dusty Miller, Jessie James
Dvr Dutton; Dvr Johnston
E Girling
Earnest & Albert Whitehead
Eddie Nobbs
Edward West, Wally Emsley, John Lynch Middleton, Colin McGill
Edwin Petrie
Eileen Frost, Steven Carvel, Margaret Passey, Arthur Frost
Eileen Jones
Eileen Miles, Arthur Miles
Eleanor Menzies, Stewart Oswald, Walter Oswald, Gordon Gentle
Eric Pugh, Constance Pugh
Ernest Greenhalgh Simon Annis Lee Rigby